Mobility and Stretch Classes

Classes for the public are currently on HOLD, please get in touch with us for private or small group classes.

The ultimate approach to moving well and feeling strong

Renew stretch and mobility classes


Relieve stress and discomfort


Prevent falls and injuries


Achieve personal independence


Strengthen your muscles and improve your posture


Improve your balance and mobility

The pain in my neck and right shoulder is nearly all gone! I also have lower back issues but now I can stand and walk for a longer time. I have more energy and feel better!”

Diane Fichaud

I am committed to your health and safety.

Currently, regulated health professionals, including RMTs, may continue to operate in accordance with the public health and safety guidelines set out for the COVID-19 pandemic. All necessary precautions, sanitization and cleaning procedures are being followed in the studio to ensure the health & safety of the public. Face coverings are mandatory during your entire appointment.

If you have any questions about booking an appointment or our health and safety measures please feel free to email Heather.