About Heather
I understand what it means to live with chronic pain
At 20 years old, the night before my 1st university midterm exam, I was hit from behind by a car and my spine was fractured. The doctors gave me a 50/50 chance of ever walking again.
After 2 intense surgeries and extensive rehab, I was living my life with chronic pain that I tried to manage (unsuccessfully!) with medication and traditional rehab therapy.

I wanted to live independently, and be active and involved in my life.
At the time I was told I would just have to learn to enjoy a sedentary life. But the more I thought about it, the more I just couldn’t accept being heavily medicated for the rest of my life. I wanted to be in control – of my pain, of my body, and of my own future.
So I set out to figure out just HOW I was going to do that.
I tried All. The. Things.
Medication, physio, massage, accupunture, different medication, exercises, yoga, mindfulness, meditation – I tried them all. Eventually I came to realize that you don’t have to work hard to feel stronger and more confident, you simply need to listen to your body, and apply the right technique at the right time. And now my life’s journey has led me to helping others obtain the relief that I was able to gift to myself.
I became a certified Massage Therapist, and certified as a level 3 Essentrics trainer, Bowen Therapy and Red (LED) Light therapy practitioner – and Renew With Heather was born.

Years of Experience
Hours of Treatment Provided
Stretch and Mobility Classes Taught

Let’s Work Together
I help people just like you who are suffering with chronic pain, or reduced mobility because of an accident or illness.
Together, we can find freedom in your own body – confidence and strength – and help you to live your life with ease.
I have seen a significant improvement in my (what was chronic) lower back and knee pain!! Yeah!
Alanna Deprato-Leger

Some Client Love…

Nancy Ann Bush
Lise Couture
Kim Lascelle
Anne Macdonald