Relieve Your Pain and Renew Your Strength

Mobility and Stretch Classes, Pain Management Treatments

Increase Your Range of Motion

Manage and Relieve Your Pain

Live A Full, Active Life

Are you a courageous soul who lives with nagging chronic pain every day that you don’t think can be improved?

Have you tried everything, and now it’s just something you have to live with?

Or maybe you’re in crisis – you’ve had an accident or illness that has irrevocably changed your life, and you need to find relief.

I have seen a significant improvement in my (what was chronic) lower back and knee pain!! Yeah!

Alanna Deprato-Leger

Years of Experience

Hours of Treatment Provided

Stretch and Mobility Classes Taught

I help men and women who want to live independently, be active and involved in their lives, manage their pain, and do it all comfortably within their own bodies.

Together, we can find a solution that allows you to continue to enjoy your activities, feel strong and confident, and live life on your own terms.
You CAN learn to renew your body and your life.

Some Client Love…

I have experienced an alleviation of pain. Neck and knees are no longer sore!

Nancy Ann Bush

I’m more flexible, my aches disappeared and I am more mentally focused as well

Lise Couture

I have a better range of motion with my mobility, less aches and pains of back shoulders and neck

Kim Lascelle

Heather has enhanced my flexibility and range of motion, especially in trouble areas such as shoulder...

Anne Macdonald

The pain in my neck and right shoulder is nearly all gone! I also have lower back issues but now I can stand and walk for a longer time.

Diane Fichaud

Heather has given my body more definition and shape which is quite a challenge at my age. There may be some truth in aging backwards!

Linda MacDonald

It’s easy to get started

Step 1

Book a Free Consultation

Step 2

We create a customized plan for your unique situation

Step 3

Regain your ease of movement + enjoy activities again!

Hi, I’m Heather

At 20 years old, the night before my 1st university midterm exam, I was hit from behind by a car and my spine was fractured. The doctors gave me a 50/50 chance of ever walking again. After 2 intense surgeries and extensive rehab, I was living my life with chronic pain that I tried to manage (unsuccessfully!) with drugs and any available therapy I could find.

At the time I was told I would just have to learn to enjoy a sedentary life. But the more I thought about it, the more I just couldn’t accept being heavily medicated for the rest of my life. I wanted to be in control – of my pain, of my body, and of my own life journey.

So I set out to figure out just HOW I was going to do that.

I am committed to your health and safety.

Currently, regulated health professionals, including RMTs, may continue to operate in accordance with the public health and safety guidelines set out for the COVID-19 pandemic. All necessary precautions, sanitization and cleaning procedures are being followed in the studio to ensure the health & safety of the public. Face coverings are mandatory during your entire appointment.

If you have any questions about booking an appointment or our health and safety measures please feel free to email Heather.